Support to prepare national laws, policies, strategies and guidelines for prevention, control, elimination and management of vector borne diseases including Malaria, Dengue, scrub typhus, chickengunia etc.
Coordinate and cooperate for the development of technical human resources for diagnosis, treatment and management of vector borne related diseases.
Provide Support and coordinate with provincial and local level for prevention, control and management of vector borne diseases.
Provide Support for preparation and implementing in federal level annual work plan for treatment of vector borne diseases.
Provide support and coordination in study and research activities related to vector borne diseases.
Facilitate to supply and management of necessary equipment for prevention, control, elimination and management of vector borne diseases.
Coordinate in information management activities related to vector borne diseases.
Provide Support at national level for monitoring and evaluation, surveys, surveillance and research related activities related to NTDs and vector borne diseases.